Staffing RN Supplemental Positions

Staffing RN Supplemental Positions

Staffing RN Supplemental Positions

Registered nurses are healthcare providers who work in various environments, such as clinics, hospitals, schools, and care facilities. They support doctors, take vital signs, evaluate patients, review medical records, and inform patients about new treatments or diagnoses. We are specialists in finding these professionals to fill open positions in your company, always emphasizing the qualification of these professionals and the masterful execution of their assignments. Contact us today to discuss your needs, and we'll find the right professional to do it for you!

  • Up to $95/HOUR 
  • 4O1K
  • Please send resumes to [email protected]

Areas Covered

Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island & Upstate New York

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(347) 644-3629

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[email protected]
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